Picturebox-Location incrementing with float


I have a Picturebox that is created dynamically, and I'm moving it randomly on a panel. It works perfectly when I increment your location.X / Y with integers.

In certain cases, however, I need Picturebox to move at a certain angle, that is, I calculate the angle between picturebox and target and decompose into sin / cos to increase its position by drawing a straight line between origin and destination. But this increment is float / double, not integer.

The picturebox moves perfectly in several angles, however in certain scenarios it is locked, immobile, I believe it is due to the rounding occurring from incrementing to ZERO, making it still on the panel.

Is there any way I can transform Picturebox's coordinates (int by nature) into Picturebox's float?


void Vant::vectorStep(Point ^ target)
    float angle, ix, iy, distX, distY;

    distX = target->X - getCenterLocation().X;
    distY = target->Y - getCenterLocation().Y;

    angle = Math::Atan2(distY, distX);

    if (angle < 0)
        angle += 2 * Math::PI;

    ix = (float) Math::Cos(angle);
    iy = (float) Math::Sin(angle);

    if (Math::Abs(distX) >= 0)

    if (Math::Abs(distY) >= 0)

void Vant::incrementX(float x)
    myX = myPic->Location.X;
    myY = myPic->Location.Y;

    myPic->Location = System::Drawing::Point((myX + (x * mySpeed)), (myY));

    if (myLabel->Visible)
        myLabel->Location = System::Drawing::Point((float) (myX + myPic->Size.Width), myY);
        myLabel->Text = "ID:" + myID + "\r\nSp:" + mySpeed + "\r\nConn(" + isUAVConnected() + "/" + isSensorConnected() + ")";

void Vant::incrementY(float y)
    myX = myPic->Location.X;
    myY = myPic->Location.Y;

    myPic->Location = System::Drawing::Point((myX), (float) (myY + (y * mySpeed)));

    if (myLabel->Visible)
        myLabel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(myX + myPic->Size.Width, myY);
        myLabel->Text = "ID:" + myID + "\r\nSp:" + mySpeed + "\r\nConn(" + isUAVConnected() + "/" + isSensorConnected() + ")";
asked by anonymous 27.03.2018 / 21:48

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