Strava API communication


Hello. I made a communication with the Strava API as per the documentation. What happens, I have developed the request for authentication with strava, I make the request and receive an HTML page to place the strava email and password, but after login I am lost.

 @RequestMapping(value = "login", method = {RequestMethod.GET})
public String conexaoLogin() {
    String clienteId = "23878";
    String redirectUri = "http://localhost:8090/OneRideSite/session";
    String responseType = "code";
    IStravaBl stravaBl = new StravaBl();
    String response = stravaBl.autenticacao(clienteId, redirectUri, responseType);
    return response;

Basically, the URL looks like this: link link

This is the request that I make to redirectId by the documentation is where it should redirect however it is redirecting to localhost: 8090 / session and I do not know why or how to proceed.

The URL of the documentation follows: link

The URL of the authentication documentation follows: link

asked by anonymous 23.03.2018 / 21:04

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