I'm starting now in the world of Javascript and NodeJS and in that, when I was doing a mini-chat I came across the following error: At the time of printing the user name, after he uses the '/ nickname' command he leaves the name as empty "", and only shows the message, and from time to time it shows a part of the name along with the message. Here is the code line for the server:
var net = require('net');
var connections = [];
var broadcast = function(message, origin){
connections.forEach(function (connection){
if (connection === origin) return;
connection.write('Hello, I am the server!');
connection.on('data', function (message){
var command = message.toString();
if (command.indexOf('/nickname') === 0){
var nickname = command.replace('/nickname ', '');
broadcast(connection.nickname + ' is now ' + nickname);
connection.nickname = nickname;
broadcast(connection.nickname + message, connection);
And here's the line of code for the client:
var net = require('net');
var client = net.connect(3000);
client.on('connect', function(){
client.write('Hello, I am the client');
client.on('data', function(message){
process.stdin.on('readable', function(){
var message = process.stdin.read();
message = message.toString().replace(/\n/, '');
It's all working correctly, just this / nickname that is not going! Anyone who can collaborate will be of great help!