I have a table named Posts table , I have a table named Users table , I have a table with the name of Relations table . Now what happens is that this relations table works as follows: The Host user goes on the site and creates a post and the freenlancer user goes there in this post where the host created and clicks on submitting a proposal. The relations table receives the id of this user, the id of the post and also the id of the owner of the post. So we created a relationship between the freenlancer and the host. My problem is that if the post receives two proposals the id of the post will suddenly. I would like to not repeat the same post, leaving the proposals of the freenlacers one below the other.
post.*, post.url as main_image
FROM relations
LEFT JOIN users as user ON user.id = relations.id_user_from
LEFT JOIN posts_pl as post ON post.id = relations.id_post
WHERE relations.id_post IN (post.id) AND relations.id_user_to = $id_user AND relations.status = '0' ORDER BY post.id";
$sql = $this->db->query($sql);
if($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
foreach ($sql->fetchAll() as $value) {