I have a database that stores 3 fields that should be listed in html.
function gerar_conteudo() {
var transaction = db.transaction('TABELA_CITOLOGIA', "readonly");
var store = transaction.objectStore('TABELA_CITOLOGIA');
var request = store.openCursor();
// Variável que vai pegar todos os objetos do banco.
var output = '';
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
// Gera o html da tabela
output += "<div id='item_tabela_" + cursor.value.id + "'>";
output += "<div>" + cursor.value.id + "</div>";
output += "<div>" + cursor.value.nome + "</div>";
output += "<div>" + cursor.value.email + "</div>";
output += "<div><a class='botao_remover' href=''onClick='remover(" + cursor.value.id + ");'>deletar</a></div>";
output += "</div>";
document.getElementById("lista").innerHTML = output;
In HTML I have a simple list that shows the results, but they are being added in a cluttered way, instead of being added above the list, the result goes to the end. How can I do so that the result is shown in the order other data is entered? I have already tried with appendChild, insertBefore (I do not know if correctly) and I could not.