Error ListView Event for Round Images


I have a listview linked to an FDMemTable, in the event:

TForm31.ListView1UpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject;
const AItem: TListViewItem);

I do the following to leave the round photos:

var imagem : TListItemImage;

imagem := AItem.Objects.FindObject('Image_funcionario') as TListItemImage;

Circle1.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap := imagem.Bitmap;

Image1.Bitmap := Circle1.MakeScreenshot;

TListItemImage(AItem.Objects.FindDrawable('Image_funcionario')).Bitmap := Image1.Bitmap;


The problem is this: When I load new records in FDMemTable, the application skips some lines of the event and does not leave the photos round.

asked by anonymous 09.04.2018 / 15:19

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