Doubt getting TreeTable Id with JS


I'm trying to get the id of the first column of a TreeTable Primefaces with JS. But when I click on the corresponding line, I can get to the js function, but I always get only id 1, I can not get the other id's for the selected line. NOTE: If someone knows another way to rescue this id, not being with js, it would be of great help. some way with jsf itself in ManagedBean would be more practical I believe

Follow column of first column of primefaces

<p:column headerText="Nome" style="width: 500px">

                        <f:facet name="output">
                            <h:outputText value="#{document.namePasta}" />
                        <f:facet name="input">
                            <p:inputText value="#{document.namePasta}" label="Nome"
                                style="width:100%" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="idBancoPasta" id="idBancoPasta"
                                value="#{document.idBancoPasta}" />

Note that I have the input type="hidden" that contains the id that I need to retrieve

Here is the last column actions that makes the call to js

<h:outputLink id="fade_folder" value="#">
                            onclick="PF('modalSubPasta').show(); getIdInputHidden(); return false"
                            rendered="#{document.type == 'Pasta' || document.type == 'Sub-Pasta'}"
                            style="width: 25px; margin: 5px" />

There I have an onclick calling function getIdInputHidden (); Now the function js that only rescues id 1

function getIdInputHidden() {

                var idInput = document.getElementById('idBancoPasta').value;
asked by anonymous 02.04.2018 / 15:58

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