I want to add the line and in the main line of the matrix put the negative number to zero the line, however when I put the value receiving * -1 the matrix only takes the - and not the number together, what I am doing wrong ?
class Matrizes {
private $primeiro = true;
public function matrizCTMC(){
$f = file("matriz/matriz.txt");
$max = count($f);
$valor = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < $max; $x++) {
for($y = 0; $y < 2*$max; $y++){
$valor += $f[$x][$y];
$valor *=-1;
$f[$x][$aux] = $valor;
echo "valor= $valor<br>";
$aux = 0;
$aux =$aux*2;
$valor *=-1;
$f[$x][$aux] = $valor;
echo "valor= $valor<br>";
foreach($f as $item){
echo $item .'<br>';