private static property is getting value touched!


I have the class below:


namespace CONSTANTES;

class Constantes {

    private $livre = true;

    private $util;

    private $site = array (

        "dominio"           => "",
        "www"               => "",               
        "http"              => "",                
        "tituloSite"        => "CRUD SITE",     
        "tituloAdmin"       => "CRUD Administração",        
        "tituloLoja"        => "CRUD LOJA", 
        "descricao"         => "???",
        "keywords"          => "???",
        "fundacao"          => "???",       
        "ano"               => "2018",
        "proprietario"      => "???",
        "proprietarioDcto"  => "???"


    private $siteEndereco = array (

        "rua"         => "???",
        "numero"      => "???",
        "complemento" => "???",
        "bairro"      => "???",
        "cidade"      => "???",
        "estado"      => "???",
        "cep"         => "???"


    private $siteEnderecoCompleto;

    private $siteTelefones = array (
        "ddd"         => "???",
        "tel"         => "???",
        "cel"         => "???"

    private $siteRedesSocias = array (
        "facebook"    => "",
        "instagram"   => "",
        "whatsapp"    => "???"

    private $imgDir = "_img";

    private $charset = "UTF-8";

    public function __construct($_util) {

         if($this->livre == false) {
             header("Location: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_PATH"]."/manutencao.php");

        $this->util = $_util;

        $this->siteEnderecoCompleto = 
                                      $this->siteEndereco["rua"]. ", ";
                                      $this->siteEndereco["numero"]. ", ";
                                      $this->siteEndereco["complemento"]. ", ";
                                      $this->siteEndereco["bairro"]. ", ";
                                      $this->siteEndereco["cidade"]. ", ";
                                      $this->siteEndereco["estado"]. ", ";
                                      $this->util->formataCep($this->siteEndereco["cep"]). ", ";


    public function getLivre() {

        return $this->livre;


    public function getSite() {

        return $this->site;


    public function getSiteEndereco() {

        return $this->siteEndereco;


    public function getSiteEnderecoCompleto() {

        return $this->getSiteEnderecoCompleto();


    public function getSiteTelefones() {

        return $this->siteTelefones;


    public function getSiteRedesSociais() {

        return $this->siteRedesSocias;


    public function getImagemDir() {

        return $this->imgDir;


    public function getCharset() {

        return $this->charset;




As is a class of properties that are immutable via code. That is, they are constant. I would like to add static to them. As below:


namespace CONSTANTES;

class Constantes {

    static private $livre = true;

    static private $util;


But this practice changes the value from $livre to false ;

How can I do this?

I've also tried:

static private final $livre = true;

Give it to me!

asked by anonymous 18.06.2018 / 01:11

0 answers