Help with meta language to write code in html made in C #


I have a problem with a code for a meta language. It takes the string with the code in the target language and then saves it, with XDocument in an html document. My question is this: When I was using it in a test program, I gave an error "Can not add non-blank space characters to content. "and I can not solve it, does anyone help me? code:

//Obtém o código.
public XDocument ReturnCode(string code)
    //"Divide" ele.
    string[] parts = code.Trim().Split();

    //Cria 3 variaveis que representam a tag body, a tag head e a outra que vai "alterná-las".
    string body = "";
    string head = "";
    int BodyHead = 0;

    foreach (string c in parts)
        //Se "c" for igual a ";", alterna entre "body" e "head"
        if (c == ";")
            BodyHead = 1;

        if (BodyHead == 0 && c != "{" && c != ";")
            head += c;
        else if (BodyHead > 0 && c != "{" && c != ";")
            body += c;

    //Cria e retorna o código.
    return new XDocument("html",//<html></html> tags.
        new XElement("head", head.Trim()),//<body>[content]</body> tags.
        new XElement("body", body.Trim())//<head><[content]</body> tags.
asked by anonymous 05.04.2018 / 20:53

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