I'm having trouble passing parameters via POST to my PHP methods. I have the JS variable properly populated with the attributes I want to pass. But when trying to access the variable in my PHP code it says it is undefined. I'm using Codeigniter as a framework.
JS Code:
var arr = [];
var vars = arr.concat(put, pedidoData);
url: "controller/metodo",
type: 'POST',
data: {vars:vars},
success: function(r) {
if (r.status == "success"){
console.log("erro na inserçao");
Controller.php code:
public function metodo(){
$resposta = $this->input->post();
$response = $this->meumodel_model->metodo($resposta);
$this->response(array("status"=>"erro", "erro"=>"Resposta nula ou vazia."), 200);
$this->response($response, 200);
meumodel_model.php code:
public function metodo($vars = array()){
$variaveis = array();
$inserir = "SQL utilizando as variaveis...";
$q = $this->db->query($inserir);
return array("status"=>"success");
return array("status"=>"error");
I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Thankful.