ng-sortable with bi directional array


I need to walk through a array of array and create separate lists, using ng-sortable pro user can change the positions of the data.

Array ()

$scope.teste = [{'julio' : 16, 'emerson' : 14, 'aspas' : 13},
                {'fernando' : 22, 'robson' : 25, 'semedo' : 24, 'kaio' : 27},
                {'luiz' : 37, 'armando' : 41, 'aroldo' : 51}];

My html:

<ul class="list-group" 
    ng-repeat="(key, data) in teste track by $index"
    ng-model="key" class="list">

    <li ng-repeat="(k, d) in data track by $index"
            {{k}} : {{d}}


My sortableOptions

$scope.sortableOptions = { connectWith: '.connectedItemsExample .list' };


Error: ngModel.$modelValue.splice is not a function wireUp/callbacks.stop

With a list only using array it works normal, but go through array of array and for every array create a list, this code is not good.

asked by anonymous 11.04.2018 / 15:44

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