In which method do I inform the sandbox or production environment url of PagSeguro?


I'm using the pagseguro-sdk library. and is giving the following error in the request:

at Http->curlConnection('POST', 'https:///v2/checkout?

apparently the environment host needs to be passed. I checked the source code of the library and could not identify. In the example that has not been entered URL in the request:


 * To do a dynamic configuration of the library credentials you have to use the set methods
 * from the static class \PagSeguro\Configuration\Configure. 

//For example, to configure the library dynamically:
\PagSeguro\Configuration\Configure::setEnvironment('production');//production or sandbox
\PagSeguro\Configuration\Configure::setCharset('UTF-8');// UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
\PagSeguro\Configuration\Configure::setLog(true, '/logpath/logFilename.log');

 * @todo To set the application credentials instead of the account credentials use:
 * \PagSeguro\Configuration\Configure::setApplicationCredentials(
 *  'appId',
 *  'appKey'
 * );

try {
    $sessionCode = \PagSeguro\Services\Session::create(

    echo "<strong>ID de sess&atilde;o criado: </strong>{$sessionCode->getResult()}";
} catch (Exception $e) {

Does anyone know where I inform the host of the environment?

asked by anonymous 10.04.2018 / 01:43

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