How do you start pgpool and check its status?


I'm creating a postgres database cluster and I'm using pgpool. I have three machines and I followed the tutorial described in this page:

PostgreSQL Replication and Load Balancing with pgpool-II

The slave and master are configured correctly, but when I start pgpool on the client machine with the command sudo pgpool start all it gives me the following message: And I do not know if pgpool is working because I am not able to access the banks on the master machine.

pgpool-II version 3.4.3 (tataraboshi),
  A generic connection pool/replication/load balance server for PostgreSQL

  pgpool [ -c] [ -f CONFIG_FILE ] [ -F PCP_CONFIG_FILE ] [ -a HBA_CONFIG_FILE ]
         [ -n ] [ -D ] [ -d ]
         [ -m SHUTDOWN-MODE ] stop
  pgpool [ -f CONFIG_FILE ] [ -F PCP_CONFIG_FILE ] [ -a HBA_CONFIG_FILE ]      reload

Common options:
  -a, --hba-file=HBA_CONFIG_FILE
                      Sets the path to the pool_hba.conf configuration file
                      (default: /etc/pgpool2/pool_hba.conf)
  -f, --config-file=CONFIG_FILE
                      Sets the path to the pgpool.conf configuration file
                      (default: /etc/pgpool2/pgpool.conf)
  -F, --pcp-file=PCP_CONFIG_FILE
                      Sets the path to the pcp.conf configuration file
                      (default: /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf)
  -h, --help          Prints this help

 Start options:
  -C, --clear-oidmaps Clears query cache oidmaps when memqcache_method is    memcached
                      (If shmem, discards whenever pgpool starts.)
  -n, --dont-detach   Don't run in daemon mode, does not detach control  tty
  -x, --debug-assertions   Turns on various assertion checks, This is a     debugging aid
  -D, --discard-status Discard pgpool_status file and do not restore previous status
  -d, --debug         Debug mode

Stop options:
  -m, --mode=SHUTDOWN-MODE
                      Can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate"

Shutdown modes are:
   smart       quit after all clients have disconnected
   fast        quit directly, with proper shutdown
   immediate   the same mode as fast
asked by anonymous 13.04.2018 / 16:23

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