The minimax, by definition, is great if the two players perform optimally, right? However, can we say something when one of them plays great and the other does not? In the case of the old game, as the state space is small, the player that acts with minimax never loses to a random player for being able to explore the entire search tree. And in the case of a game with more space, like Checkers? What can we say when a player makes bad plays against another player with minimax? The minimax will not be more great, is it?
By definition, the minimax algorithm is optimal only if the two players are playing against each other, optimally, is not it? However, we can say something when one of them plays optimal and the other does not? More precisely, what can we say when a player makes bad plays against another player with minimax with the aim that the minimax player plays worse (make some bad moves)? Thanks !!