Transpose data automatically


I have the following problem, I need to create a "robot" that read the data of a certain cell in Excel and enter that data in another software (company's own software in which I work), but it has to "type" exactly the data that was read from that cell in that SW, since that company program does not accept data being pasted into it. I already have something in vba where I can position the mouse exactly in the place I need in this software and send a click to have the data inserted in the software, the problem is because of "typing" the data read in the Excel worksheet inside it ( respecting also spaces), is there any way to do that?

asked by anonymous 16.04.2018 / 05:11

1 answer


Good afternoon. To "type" you must use the SendKeys statement. This statement works only with string variables.

The code looks like this:

Dim strvar as string
(sua macro para clicar no campo certo)
SendKeys strvar
25.04.2018 / 17:55