Change the parameter of a route


I have an ionic application where I use tabs with two different pages and I have to pass parameters to them.

<ion-tabs #myTabs color="credisis" *ngIf="pagador">
    <ion-tab tabIcon="person" tabTitle="Pagador eletrônico" [root]="pagador ? tab1Root : tabTestRoot" [rootParams]="[pagador, dda]"></ion-tab>
    <ion-tab tabIcon="people" tabTitle="Agregados" [root]="pagador ? tab2Root : tabTesteRoot" [rootParams]="pagador ? pagador.agregados : ''"></ion-tab>

The user can click a button and refresh this data. But the data only refreshes on the page that contains the tabs , not the pages that the tabs call. How can I resolve this?

asked by anonymous 12.04.2018 / 15:21

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