I need help with an exercise in Python which is as follows:
Exercise School Year
• Write a program that asks for the name and date (year, month, and day) of birth of a person.
• The program should also request the current date (year, month and day).
• The school year begins on September 15th. Children aged 6 up to this day enter the 1st year. The ones with 7, are in the 2nd, etc.
• Based on these dates, you should determine the age of the person and indicate the year of school.
• Example result:
What's your name? Joseph
Born in what year? 2001
What month was born? 2
Born on what day? 23
What year are we? 2009
What month are we? 4
On what day? 9
José is 8 years old and is in his second year.
I'm having trouble making the calculation.
Here is the code: code