Google Places API - Multiple keywords search using google places api with javascript


I am having trouble finding a way to search for more than one keyword at a time, I have not found anything in the google documentation about this. I need to look for sandwiches, but in São Paulo, especially in the interior, they call sandwiches for snacks, for example. So when I use the keyword "sandwiches" or "sanduicheria" it does not return the "sandwiches".

I have tried in a few ways, but I have not yet succeeded:

keyword: 'sandwich shop | hamburger | hot-dog' keyword: 'sandwich shop + sandwich + burger + hot-dog' keyword: 'sandwich shop, sandwich, burger, hot-dog' keyword: 'hamburger sandwich hot-dog sandwich'

I'm using "nearbySearch".

this.request = {
  location: position,
  radius: '5000',
  keyword: 'lanchonete|sanduiche|hamburguer|hot-dog',
  type: 'food'
asked by anonymous 13.04.2018 / 07:19

1 answer


According to the issue tracker it looks like it's commas instead of pipes

However, after hitting 50x against an invalid query I found that if ... you change from keyword to keywords (plural) this works:

13.04.2018 / 15:00