dup2 ends with my process


I'm working on operating systems and in our work we aim to create a mini-shell. I'm having trouble with one of the steps related to commands with pipes, in this case I am testing the grep nomedoficheiro.c | wc command.

Initially I count n=numero de comandos , I create n-1 pipes and I iterate over n child processes. I make dup2 of the pipe corresponding to the previous process with descriptor fileDescriptor [i - 1] [0] para STDIN_FILENO e de seguida faço dup2 do fileDescriptor i para STDIN_FILENO , posteriormente dou um execvp 'and terminate the process. The parent process only updates the new command.

So far so good the idea is this, but I have a problem: 1: Linha 206: When I dup2 my process ends without executing the remaining lines. What is this behavior about?

if (i != (number_commands - 1))
    printf("child %s   %d\n", commlist -> cmd, fd[i][1]);
    dup2(fd[i][1], STDOUT_FILENO);
    printf("child %s\n", commlist -> cmd);


asked by anonymous 16.04.2018 / 20:27

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