Primefaces textEditor error while trying to insert image


I'm creating a form and it has a textEditor. eventually, when you attempt to insert an image into the editor, an error occurs. When you click on the button to insert the image and select, the dialog to search the image opens again, when you select the image again the dialog box closes and the image is not inserted.

This is the texteditor code:

<p:tab title="Texto" id="tabTexto">
    <p:textEditor id="textEditor" placeholder="Digite o conteudo aqui" style="height: inherit;"
        value="#{}" />

It is inserted into a tabView.

This is the error that appears in the browser console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of null
    at FileReader.n.onload (texteditor.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=6.2:7)

This error is random. Eventually the image is inserted. I could not trace the source of this error.

asked by anonymous 25.04.2018 / 22:26

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