The primefaces component calendar is losing its style after updating with ajax in the view. What do I do to resolve?
The primefaces component calendar is losing its style after updating with ajax in the view. What do I do to resolve?
Solution to overcome the bug when updating using ajax in the calendar component in the view (.xhtml), in which case my "return date" calendar was being affected.
In the view, you had to enter two attributes below in the calendar component "return data".
In addition, I inserted into my bean a code snippet in an event from another field related to the calendar "return date".
In my method changeEventTimeDateTime (AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {}
/*trecho do código para resolver o bug do update */
org.primefaces.component.calendar.Calendar calendarDataRetorno = (org.primefaces.component.calendar.Calendar) FacesContext
calendarDataRetorno.setStyle("border-width: 1;");