Which theoretical distribution family do you use for indexes?

Hello, I have a dataset of floating leaf asymmetry indexes and would like to run a GLM using this index as a response variable and the other characteristics of the leaf as predictor variables (leaf width, leaf thickness). the variable response is the index ranging from 0 to 0.83. that is, a continuous variable. I can not use the gamma family for having 0 values, I can not use the negative binomial family because the values are not integers. Would anyone know which family is the best?

m1<-glm.nb(IND~ALT+ESP+FORM+LOCAL+FILO+AREA, link="log",data = amostra)

IND = asymmetry index LOCAL = Forest A or Forest B ALT = height of the tree (continued) ESP = sheet thickness (continuous) FORM = leaf shape (categorical) FILO = phylloxia (categorical) AREA = leaf area (continuous)

Does it make sense for me to transform the response variable in this case? If I use the square root of the index the distribution goes from 0 to 1 (as in the image)

asked by anonymous 02.05.2018 / 19:05

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