Multiple Lookup's with Math in MongoDB


I've been trying to solve a joining problem between 3 different Collections in MongoDB. We have some confusions of "And" and "Or" at the time of these joins, could someone take a look at this query and assist in the solution?

db.getCollection('CarteiraMarketing').aggregate([{ '$match' : { 'CodigoGrupo' : '4000394460'  } }, 
{ '$lookup' : { 'from' : 'PlantaFixaVozGtar', 
    'let' : { 'local_PlantaFixaVozGtar_CodigoGrupo' : '$CodigoGrupo' }, 
    'pipeline' : [{ '$match' : { '$expr' : { '$and' : [{ '$eq' : ['$CodigoGrupo', '$$local_PlantaFixaVozGtar_CodigoGrupo'] }] } } }], 
    'as' : 'PlantaFixaVozGtar' } }, 
{ '$unwind' : '$PlantaFixaVozGtar' }, 
{ '$lookup' : { 'from' : 'CarFixa', 'let' : { 'local_CarFixa_CarFixa_Nrc' : '$Nrc' }, 
'pipeline' : [{ '$match' : { '$expr' : { '$and' : [{ '$eq' : ['$PlantaFixaVozGtar.Nrc', '$$local_CarFixa_CarFixa_Nrc'] }] } } }], 
'as' : 'CarFixa' } }, { '$unwind' : '$CarFixa' }, 
{ '$project': { 'CodigoGrupo': 1, 'PlantaFixaVozGtar.CodigoGrupo': 1, 'PlantaFixaVozGtar.Nrc': 1, 'CarFixa.Nrc': 1, 'ArrecadacaoFixa._id': 1 } },
{ '$skip' : 0 }, { '$limit' : 10 }])

1 - First lookup returns only records where they found the math between them.

2 - Already in the second lookup it is not doing any joining between the collections and returning information that does not intersect.

Has anyone ever been through this?

asked by anonymous 06.05.2018 / 04:47

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