Good using DOMPDF to generate a PDF report from an HTML table.
I'm having a very big problem where DOMPDF is using an average 4.4GHz processor and 1GB of ram and taking more than 5 minutes to render a table with 850 rows.
I do not know if this is normal, but I'm finding a lot of time and a lot of consumption.
I'll post an example of how my code is.
// Ativa o buffer de saída
// Aqui eu monto o array com os dados do BD
//$relatorio = array('');
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Relatório -->
<table class="relatorio">
RELATÓRIO DE USUÁRIOS. GERADO EM: <?= date('d/m/Y') ?> (<?= date('H:i') ?>)
// Navega pelos elementos do array
foreach ($relatorio as $c) {
// Recebe o HTML da página
$html = ob_get_clean();
// Regista auto loader
include '';
// Referencia o namespace Dompdf
use Dompdf\Dompdf;
/* Cria a instância */
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->set_paper('A4', 'portrait');
/* Carrega seu HTML */
/* Renderiza */
/* Exibe */
"Cadastros.pdf", /* Nome do arquivo de saída */
"Attachment" => false /* Para download, altere para true */
I've done a lot of testing and the problem really is when DOMPDF comes into play, if anyone knows of any way to improve performance I'll be very grateful.