serialize an array and pass as parameter to model


My Action:

 public JsonResult SalvarCadastro(ListaModelView model)
 {    }

My Model:

    public string Assunto { get; set; }
    public string Mensagem { get; set; }
    public List<ContatosEmailModelView> Lista { get; set; }

My Js: The input's form is Subject and Message. List this out of form in a Table:

var dados = $("#form-envio-manual-cadastro").serialize();
$("#lista tr").each(function () {
            var linha = [];
            var tableData = $(this).find('td');
            if (tableData.length > 0) {
                tableData.each(function () { linha.push($(this).text()); });
                lista.push({ Email: linha[0], Contato: linha[1] });
 var list = '';
        $.each(lista, function (key, value) {
            list += encodeURIComponent($.param(lista[key])) + ';';

        dados += '&Lista={' + list + '}';

When calling the action passing data as a parameter, it is not populating the List property, just Subject and Email. How do I populate a List property?

asked by anonymous 04.05.2018 / 15:01

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