I have 3 Tables
idVeiculo | Placa | Prefixo
idMotor | idVeiculo | datatroca | kmtroca | horimetroca | proximatroca |idMecanico
I have this query below that shows the result of the last changes of each vehicle without repeating the vehicle. how do I include in this query the hodomentro table that will take the last hour of each vehicle and subtract with the proximatroca and give the result of how many hours is missing.
SELECT DISTINCT b.prefixo as idVeiculo, max(datatroca) as datatroca, max(kmtroca) as kmtroca, max(horimetroca) as horimetroca, max(proximatroca) as proximatroca, idMecanico FROM oleomotor a
JOIN veiculos b on (a.idVeiculo=b.idVeiculo)
GROUP BY a.idVeiculo order by datatroca DESC;
idVeiculo | km | horimetro