Angular5 - Error: Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found


This error happens when I start the application:


Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found. Error: Local   workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found.       at WorkspaceLoader._getProjectWorkspaceFilePath (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/workspace-loader.js:37:19)       at WorkspaceLoader.loadWorkspace (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/workspace-loader.js:24:21)       at ServeCommand._loadWorkspaceAndArchitect (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:195:32)       at ServeCommand. (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:47:25)       at ()       at /usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:7:71       at new Promise ()       at __awaiter (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:3:12)       at ServeCommand.initialize (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:46:16)       at Object. (/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/command-runner.js:87:23)


Angular CLI: 6.0.0
Node: 8.11.1
OS: linux x64
Angular: 4.3.2
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... http, language-service, platform-browser
... platform-browser-dynamic, router, tsc-wrapped

Package                           Version
@angular-devkit/architect         0.6.0
@angular-devkit/build-angular     <error>
@angular-devkit/build-optimizer   <error>
@angular-devkit/core              0.6.0
@angular-devkit/schematics        0.6.0
@angular/cli                      6.0.0
@schematics/angular               0.6.0
@schematics/update                0.6.0
rxjs                              5.4.2
typescript                        2.4.2
asked by anonymous 09.05.2018 / 16:54

1 answer


Upgrade to next version of angled CLI

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache verify
npm install -g @angular/cli@next

And re-create the project with ng new project , because it looks like an error in one of releases , there are some information here link on the ng update command

09.05.2018 / 18:36