Force number of ticks on axis X


I wanted to force BarChart's X to have 31 ticks. I only have 10 values, but I would like to show 31 ticks, is it possible?

I use Primefaces, but I also use extender, which is directly using jqplot's api.

I would like it to appear from 1 to 31.

You can enter in the series the values [(11,0), (12,0), ... (31,0)]. It turns out that by using the trendline plugin (trendline), it uses those values equal to 0 to calculate the trendline and does not look interesting. You need the trend line to go to tick 31, even if they do not have values from 10 onwards.


    Axis yAxis = chartModel.getAxis(AxisType.Y);

    ChartSeries series = new BarChartSeries();
    tends.forEach(it -> series.set(it.getDia(), it.getValue()));

class Tend {
    private Integer dia;
    private Double value;

    public Tend(Integer dia, Double value) {
        this.dia = dia;
        this.value = value;

    public Integer getDia() {
        return dia;

    public Double getValue() {
        return value;

//Extender utilizado.
function padrao() {
    this.cfg.highlighter = {
        show: true,
        tooltipAxes: 'y'
asked by anonymous 09.05.2018 / 18:37

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