Rails has_many through with where clause


I need help with the following problem:

Is it possible that my Analysis model has_many :klasses, through: :subjects , but being filtered by attributes of the join_table AnalysisSubject? Or should my modeling be any different?

class Analysis
  has_many :analysis_subjects, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :subjects, through: :analysis_subjects
  has_many :klasses, -> { where(year: ??????, semester: ??????), through: :subjects

class AnalysisSubject
  belongs_to :analysis
  belongs_to :subject

  # Existem os atributos year e semester nessa join_table
  # Eu gostaria de usá-los na query feita em analysis.klasses

class Subject
  has_many :klasses
  has_many :analysis_subjects
  has_many :analyses, through: :analysis_subjects

class Klass
  belongs_to :subject

I'm using Rails 5 if it's important to know. Thank you in advance for your help.

asked by anonymous 07.05.2018 / 05:43

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