I have two combobox, I need to get the id of one to load the other from the item that was selected in combobox1, how could I do this through a javascript function.
<select id="cb_catinsumo" class="combo" name="cb_catinsumo" class="combo2">
<option value="">Selecione uma categoria</option>
<%monta combo de categoria de insumos sSQL="SELECT categoria_insumo FROM tb_catinsumo ORDER BY categoria_insumo" oQueryCatInsumo.Open sSQL, oConexao IF NOT oQueryCatInsumo.EOF THEN oQueryCatInsumo.MoveFirst DO until oQueryCatInsumo.EOF%>
<option value="<%=oQueryCatInsumo(" categoria_insumo ").value %>">
<%=oQueryCatInsumo( "categoria_insumo").value %>
<% oQueryCatInsumo.MoveNext LOOP ELSE %>//sem categorias cadastradas
<option value="">NÃO HÁ CATEGORIAS CADASTRADAS</option>
<% END IF %>