I am a beginner and I am creating a small applet designed to carry out the academic control of the students in the Course where I work. I'm using Java + SQLite for the permanence of the data.
I'm trying to query in my database, but I'm having trouble. The method is returning a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException error.
Does anyone know which feature the error refers to?
Follow my code:
try {
Statement s;
s = conexao.createStatement();
ResultSet resultado
= s.executeQuery("SELECT keyCurriculo FROM Curriculo\n"
+ "WHERE anoCurriculo='" + aluno.getCurriculoAluno()
+ "' AND codCurso='" + aluno.getCursoAluno() + "';");
KeyCurriculo = resultado.getNString(1);
} catch (SQLException erroSQL) {
System.out.println("Erro na consulta ao banco: " + erroSQL.getMessage());
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Ocorreu um erro na consulta ao banco: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
printStackTrace () :
Erro na consulta ao banco: null
at org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4ResultSet.getNString(JDBC4ResultSet.java:146)
at PacoteConexao.UpdateAluno.atualizarAlunoCSV(UpdateAluno.java:46)
at controle_academico_mat.main(controle_academico_mat.java:30)
CONSTRUÍDO COM SUCESSO (tempo total: 9 segundos)-->
Can anyone help?