while inside a php variable with html text


I have a page for registering and editing guesses of a soccer ball. By registering the guesses the user receives the list of guesses registered by email. The registration of the guesses and sending of the email ok are working, what I need and I can not do is to do a while within the variable "$ messageHTML", this variable goes as much html text as the data of WHILE that I am not able to insert in the code.

follows PHP code:

// Passando os dados obtidos pelo formulário para as variáveis abaixo
$nomeusuario     = $select_usu['usuarionome'];
//$emailremetente    = trim($_POST['emailremetente']);
$emaildestinatario = trim($select_usu['usuarioemail']);
//$comcopia          = trim($_POST['comcopia']);
//$comcopiaoculta    = trim($_POST['comcopiaoculta']);
$assunto            = 'Palpites da '.$rodada_atual.'ª rodada';
//$mensagem          = $_POST['mensagem'];

 $getpalpitesmail = "SELECT 
    j.*, a.*, t1.siglatime as t1_sigla, 
    t2.siglatime as t2_sigla,
    concat(DATE_FORMAT(j.datajogo, '%Y-%m-%d'), ' ', j.horariojogo) as data_real,
    t1.urlimagetime as t1_image, t2.urlimagetime as t2_image,
    t1.nometime as t1_nome, t2.nometime as t2_nome    
    jogos j left join apostas a on a.idapostajogo = j.idjogo and a.idapostausuario = '$id', times t1, times t2 
    j.rodada = '6' and
    t1.idtime = j.mandante and
    t2.idtime = j.visitante
    j.rodada ASC, 
    data_real ASC";
$getpalpitesmailquery = mysql_query($getpalpitesmail) or die (mysql_error());

while ($palpites_mail = mysql_fetch_array($getpalpitesmailquery)) {

/* Montando a mensagem a ser enviada no corpo do e-mail. */
$mensagemHTML = "'.palpites_mail['localjogo'].'" ;

asked by anonymous 19.05.2018 / 23:07

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