I'm trying to create a slider with random ads on a site's home page.
I already have a role that shows related ads on the ad details page. But by using this same code on the home page of the site, nothing is displayed.
As I do not understand much of Codeigniter, I do not know if something is missing.
if ($related) {
echo '
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-12 columns">
<div class="ap-ads-related">
<h2>Anúncios Relacionados</h2>
<div class="row">
foreach ($related as $key => $rel) {
$related_images = $this->ads_model->images($rel->ad_id);
$related_image = thumbnail(@$related_images[0]->ads_img_file, "ads", 260, 180, 2);
$textoCorte = substr($rel->ad_name, 0, 25);
$textoLimitado = substr($textoCorte, 0, strrpos($textoCorte, ' '));
echo '
<div class="small-6 medium-3 end columns">
<a href="' . base_url('anuncio/' . $rel->ad_slug) . '" title="' . $rel->ad_name . '" class="item">
<div class="image"><img alt="' . $rel->ad_name . '" src="' . $related_image . '"></div>
<h4>' . $textoLimitado . '<br> Ver mais</h4>
<div class="price">' . (($rel->ad_service) ? 'Doação' : string_money($rel->ad_price)) . '</div>
echo '