ffmpeg desktop capture displays only the icons


I own a proprietary application on a windows 10 machine, which is fullscreen, (it occupies the entire screen) and displays financial indicators in a SCREEN for the managers, and underneath it, I run every 15 min, a ffmpeg to record a video of 2 min, the application running, for purposes of monitoring the app, to know if this 100% running and without errors on the screen.

It works for a few years, I never had any problems, until windows 10 home.

The string I use is:

fmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -t 00:02:00 -y  -i desktop preview.mp4

If I run this command on windows XP, 7, 8 etc, it displays well the running application and its indicators. but in windows 10 home, it only displays the desktop, that is, it can not reach the TOPMOST of the application.

Has anyone gone through this, and has some light, direction, where I can investigate?

asked by anonymous 05.06.2018 / 16:29

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