RxJava2 and Requery Android select ambiguous


I use this function to get ReactiveEntityStore in the application class

private static @NonNull ReactiveEntityStore<Persistable> getDataStore(@NonNull Context context) {
    DatabaseSource source = new DatabaseSource(context, Models.DEFAULT, DATABASE_VERSION);

    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

    Configuration configuration = source.getConfiguration();
    return ReactiveSupport.toReactiveStore(new EntityDataStore<Persistable>(configuration));

When I try to do a select

public List<PedidoEntity> getAllPedidos() {
    List<PedidoEntity> pedidosEntity = mDataStore.select(PedidoEntity.class)
    return pedidosEntity;

of this error

Ambiguous method call.both
select (....) in Queryable and
select (....) in ReactiveQueryable match

Does anyone know how to solve it?

asked by anonymous 29.05.2018 / 03:38

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