Paste value hidden .net core


Good morning I have this hidden one that receives the value correctly:

<input type="hidden" id="idHorario"/>

But I need to get the hidden in the code, how can I proceed?

 HorariosItens = await _context.HorariosItens
                 .Include(a => a.Horarios)
                 .Where(a => a.HorarioId == ["hidden aqui"] )

I'm not able to pass the value of hidden to the condition.

Edit: I have this function where I send the SaveItem to save in the ScheduleItem / Create page

function ListarItens(idHorario) {

    var url = "/HorarioItem/Create";

        url: url
        , type: "GET"
        , data: { id: idHorario }
        , datatype: "html"
        , success: function (data) {
            var divItens = $("#divItens");

And this one to save:

public async Task<ActionResult> SalvarItens(Horarios h, string HoraInicio, string HoraFim, bool Seg, bool Ter, bool Qua, bool Qui, bool Sex, bool Sab, bool Dom, bool Fer, int Tipolimite, int Limiteacessos, int HorarioId)
            h.Id = HorarioId;
            var item = new HorariosItens()
                HoraFim = HoraFim,
                HoraInicio = HoraInicio,
                Seg = Seg,
                Ter = Ter,
                Qua = Qua,
                Qui = Qui,
                Sex = Sex,
                Sab = Sab,
                Dom = Dom,
                Fer = Fer,
                Tipolimite = Tipolimite,
                Limiteacessos = Limiteacessos,
                HorarioId = HorarioId,
            ViewData["hor"] = HorarioId;

            //HorariosItens = await _context.HorariosItens
            //   .Include(a => a.Horarios).Where(a => a.HorarioId == HorarioId).ToListAsync();

            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw ex;

            return new JsonResult(new { Resultado = item.Id });

And then in this, where should I list the schedules items, however I can not work by passing the id:

 public IList<HorariosItens> HorariosItens { get; set; }
        public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
                HorariosItens = await _context.HorariosItens
                  .Include(a => a.Horarios).Where(a => a.HorarioId == int.Parse(ViewData["hor"].ToString())).ToListAsync();
                HorariosItens = await _context.HorariosItens
                   .Include(a => a.Horarios).Where(a => a.HorarioId == 0).ToListAsync();
            //ViewData["HorarioId"] = new SelectList(_context.Horarios, "Id", "Nome");
            return Page();

I put up a try catch, but it smp drops into catch.

asked by anonymous 31.05.2018 / 15:47

1 answer


You must pass the value of the input hidden pro controller and then move on to the method that does the query:

public JsonResult GetAprovacaoEmendaById(tipododado valordoInput)
  HorariosItens horarios = SeuMetodoDeConsulta(valordoInput);  

And in your query method receive this value:

public HorariosItens(tipododado valordoInput)
  HorariosItens = await _context.HorariosItens
             .Include(a => a.Horarios).Where(a => a.HorarioId == valordoInput ).ToListAsync();

I hope I have helped.

31.05.2018 / 16:05