I have a JSON file of information extracted from Twitter through the tweepy
library, a piece of the contents of the file is as follows:
Status(extended_entities={'media': [{'source_user_id': 3383675067, 'url': 'https://t.co/x03h8R996T', 'media_url_https': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPkZCyZX0AAB6QP.jpg', 'type': 'photo', 'display_url': 'pic.twitter.com/x03h8R996T', 'source_status_id': 934805944525099008, 'id': 934805933334712320, 'indices': [100, 123], 'id_str': '934805933334712320', 'media_url': 'http://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPkZCyZX0AAB6QP.jpg', 'sizes': {'small': {'w': 512, 'h': 288, 'resize': 'fit'},....
The content is all within this method Status
How can I get some content within this file, for example, "'id_str': '934805933334712320'"