TOTAL row with SUM of columns using PIVOT


Is it possible to make one row of TOTALS per column? The explanation of the totals per line was fantastic and it turned out beautiful in my project. Thank you.

My code:

    ano AS Ano, 
    CCUSTOS AS [Centro custos], 
    coalesce([1], 0) janeiro, 
    coalesce([2], 0) fevereiro, 
    coalesce([3], 0) março, 
    coalesce([4], 0) abril, 
    coalesce([5], 0) maio, 
    coalesce([6], 0) junho, 
    coalesce([7], 0) julho, 
    coalesce([8], 0) agosto, 
    coalesce([9], 0) setembro, 
    coalesce([10], 0) outubro, 
    coalesce([11], 0) novembro, 
    coalesce([12], 0) dezembro,
    coalesce([1],0)+ coalesce([2],0)+ coalesce([3],0)+ coalesce([4],0)+ coalesce([5],0)+ coalesce([6],0)+ coalesce([7],0)+ coalesce([8],0)+ coalesce([9],0)+ coalesce([10],0)+ coalesce([11],0)+ coalesce([12],0) AS Total
FROM V_despesas_group_CC
PIVOT (SUM(total_valor) FOR MES IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12]))P
asked by anonymous 11.06.2018 / 13:15

1 answer


You can:

    ano AS Ano, 
    CCUSTOS AS [Centro custos], 
    coalesce([1], 0) janeiro, 
    coalesce([2], 0) fevereiro, 
    coalesce([3], 0) março, 
    coalesce([4], 0) abril, 
    coalesce([5], 0) maio, 
    coalesce([6], 0) junho, 
    coalesce([7], 0) julho, 
    coalesce([8], 0) agosto, 
    coalesce([9], 0) setembro, 
    coalesce([10], 0) outubro, 
    coalesce([11], 0) novembro, 
    coalesce([12], 0) dezembro,
    coalesce([1],0)+ coalesce([2],0)+ coalesce([3],0)+ coalesce([4],0)+ coalesce([5],0)+ coalesce([6],0)+ coalesce([7],0)+ coalesce([8],0)+ coalesce([9],0)+ coalesce([10],0)+ coalesce([11],0)+ coalesce([12],0) AS Total,
    (SELECT SUM(d2.total_valor) from V_despesas_group_CC d2 WHERE mes = 1) as Total_Janeiro,
    (SELECT SUM(d2.total_valor) from V_despesas_group_CC d2 WHERE mes = 2) as Total_Fevereiro --e assim para demais meses do ano
FROM V_despesas_group_CC
PIVOT (SUM(total_valor) FOR MES IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12]))P

But this solution is costly, since for each line it will execute subqueries .

My suggestion is that you make this control via code; if this is not possible, this can be added to a temporary table.

If you have any questions / problems, please comment to try to sort out the answer.

11.06.2018 / 13:29