How to select an entire row in JTable [duplicate]


Hello, I'm a beginner in programming and I was studying Java. The idea was to create a program, which to add in JTable the name of a product, value and quantity. Get the total value of the purchase (quantity * value). But I can not select a whole line to do this. I want to put a function like this, for each button, update the value of the Label (Has the button change, remove and include only)

public void atualizarTotalVendas(){
int contador = tabela.getRowCount();
float valorUnitario = (float) tabela.getValueAt(Jtabela.getSelectedRow(),2);
int quantidade = (int) tabela.getValueAt(Jtabela.getSelectedRow(),1); 
totalVendas = quantidade * valorUnitario;

There, for example, the include button, you just need to call it:

private void JBtnIncluirActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                            
    tabela.addRow(new Object[] {JTxtProduto.getText(), JTxtQuantidade.getText(), JTxtValorUnitario.getText()} );

    //JTxtProduto.setText(tabela.getValueAt(Jtabela.getSelectedRow(),1).toString()); Tentar achar como pegar todas as linhas, fazer função para cada uma

I tried to do this too, but it did not work:

for(int i = 0; i < Jtabela.getRowCount(); i++){

        double Valor = (double)Jtabela.getModel().getValueAt(i, 2);
        double quantidade = (int) Jtabela.getModel().getValueAt(i, 1);

        totalVendas += (quantidade * Valor);

asked by anonymous 19.06.2018 / 09:26

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