My goal is to get data from 4 spreadsheets and paste them into one another, and then update multiple spreadsheets with that data.
The code I'm using is as follows: My goal is to get data from 4 spreadsheets and paste them into one another, and then update multiple spreadsheets with that data.
The code I'm using is as follows:
Dim wsOrigem As Worksheet
Dim wsDestino As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim nomeTemplates(3)
Dim nomeMacros(11)
Dim contador
Dim enderecoTemplate
Dim enderecoMacro
Dim linha: linha = 1
Dim index
Dim qtdLinhas
Dim aux: aux = 1
enderecoMacro = "C:\Macros"
enderecoTemplate = "C:\Template"
'Alimentação das Variáveis
nomeTemplates(0) = "Template1.xlsx"
nomeTemplates(1) = "Template2.xlsx"
nomeTemplates(2) = "Template3.xlsx"
nomeTemplates(3) = "Template4.xlsx"
nomeMacros(0) = "Macro1.xlsm"
nomeMacros(1) = "Macro2.xlsm"
nomeMacros(2) = "Macro3.xlsm"
nomeMacros(3) = "Macro4.xlsm"
nomeMacros(4) = "Macro5.xlsm"
nomeMacros(5) = "Macro6.xlsm"
nomeMacros(6) = "Macro7.xlsm"
nomeMacros(7) = "Macro8.xlsm"
nomeMacros(8) = "Macro9.xlsm"
nomeMacros(9) = "Macro10.xlsm"
nomeMacros(10) = "Macro11.xlsm"
nomeMacros(11) = "Macro12.xlsm"
For contador = 0 To 4 Step 1
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(enderecoTemplate + nomeTemplates(contador))
Set wsOrigem = wb.Worksheets("Status Report")
With wsOrigem
qtdLinhas = Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row + 1
For index = 0 To qtdLinhas Step 1
If Cells.Interior.Color = 1 Then
linha = linha + 1
wsOrigem.Range(Cells(linha, 4), Cells(linha, 18)).Copy
Workbooks("Atualização de Controles").Worksheets("Atualização_de_Controles").Range(Cells(aux, 4), Cells(aux, 18)).Paste
aux = aux + 1
'ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=wsDestino.Range(Cells(aux, 4), Cells(aux, 18))
End If
End With
Range(D2, R1048576).Copy
For contador = 0 To 11 Step 1
Set wsDestino = Workbooks(nomeMacros(contador)).Worksheets("Controle")
With wsDestino
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=wsDestino.Range("D2:R1048576")
End With
Workbooks(nomeMacros(contador)).Close SaveChanges:=True
MsgBox "Importação de Dados Concluída"
Where am I going wrong?