AWS - Instance remote access


Good! I created an Amazon and Windows Linux instance, followed all the steps to generate key, import and change it via PuTTY, opened the key, requested the connection with the care of ec2-user bla bla bla, however in none of the instances I I can log in. Give time out. Via SSH (PuTTY) on LInux or via RD on Windows. It initially includes strict rules, now I allow any full access on both, and nothing! Can anyone help? Thanks for the help.

asked by anonymous 13.05.2016 / 20:48

2 answers


Some of the factors that may be occurring.

1 - Access the preview panel of your instance and click the security group option and then inbound and verify that the source of ssh is with ip

If so, that's correct.

2 - Then make sure you followed the putty configuration steps as specified by amazon here . To use putty you have to generate a private key from the .pem key with .ppk extension by puttygen and add it in the putty. In ubuntu you just have to download the key .pem

and use the camera:

ssh -i key.pem ubuntu@seu ip publico

For instances created with linux-amazon OS and windows the user default is

ec2-user@seu ip público

for ubuntu is

ubuntu@seu ip público
13.05.2016 / 21:08

Windows RDP Access:

  • Security Group: Inbound: RDP:
  • To obtain the windows admin password you need the .PEM extension file that was generated in the generation of your server. His name will appear in the next dialog.


  • SecurityGroup:Inbound:SSH:
  • Convertthe.PEMkeyto.PPKwithPuttyGen;
  • OntheconnectiontoPutty,fillinthehostandfollowtheconfigurationtreeviaConnection->SSH->Authandselectthe.PPKfilefromtheBrowsebutton.

EXTRA:IfyouhaveanyquestionsregardingtheconfigurationoftheFirewall(SecurityGroup),placean"All Traffic" rule to "" that will be released to any port. It will be simpler to test your server's connectivity.

19.05.2016 / 22:22