Local and remote DB data synchronization


Let's imagine the following scenario: I have an app developed in laravel that manages a company and, from time to time the same company started to have problems with its operator that provides the internet, sometimes the signal falls or is slow and makes work difficult. Questions / Possibilities!?

  • has some form packge / library that would, for example, allow the system to run on a server on the intranet together with a local DB, and later on in the app would have a button / events to synchronize the data but not to generate conflicts / rewrite of data (example: a record that in the local BD has a date and when it sends to BD in the ground, for example, the date was updated or a record that in the local BD was deleted and when it was sent to the BD in the navel it created conflicts or even registration remained)? Remembering that the same system is sometimes accessed online by partners or partners of the same company?
  • In case of putting the app on the intranet and having the system access the DB remotely would affect the performance of my system or not?
  • asked by anonymous 20.06.2018 / 12:21

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