I am consuming a WebService SOAP and I am encountering the following problem: The WebService has two functions. In PHP, using the SoapClient class, I created the client and consumed the first function without problem. But when I try to use the second function, it returns a lot of errors with no connection. But when I try to consume this second function using SoapUI, the second function sends the return correctly. My question is: can it be error in WebService? But if so, how can SoapUI consume the same?
Complementing, I have a certain mistrust that the error might even be in the WebService, because when I tried to import the WSDL from it in Java or Python, the import failed. And this has never happened to other web-services I've already consumed. The path of the WebService is: link
My PHP code:
$clientesoap = new SoapClient("http://wscaixa.datasysonline.net/wsDadosCaixa.asmx?wsdl", array(
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE
$xml = "<cartoes>";
$xml .= "<lancamento>";
$xml .= "<pedido>XXXX-XXXXX</pedido>";
$xml .= "<parcela>1</parcela>";
$xml .= "<nsu>666666</nsu>";
$xml .= "<valorParcela>36</valorParcela>";
$xml .= "<valorLiquido>35</valorLiquido>";
$xml .= "<dtVencimento>10/03/2015</dtVencimento>";
$xml .= "<dtAntecipacao>12/03/2015</dtAntecipacao>";
$xml .= "<dtLiquidacao>12/03/2015</dtLiquidacao>";
$xml .= "<taxaAntecipacao>2</taxaAntecipacao>";
$xml .= "</lancamento>";
$xml .= "</cartoes>";
$param = new stdClass();
$param->Token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$param->Xml = $xml;
$resultado = $clientesoap->AtualizarConciliacao($param);
// a funcao abaixo funciona, mas a de cima (AtualizarConciliacao) dá erro:
// $param->Data '2016-03-03';
// $resultado = $clientesoap->BaixarVendasCartao($param);