Hello, here I am with one more question. I created a project on ionic 3, and I have this profile menu , but when I click on each menu item, (Cultural Agenda, by region, blog ..) does not open the page, it is giving error. In app.html it has: '
<button menuClose ion-item *ngFor="let p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)" [class.active]="checkActivePage(p)">
<ion-icon name="{{p.icon}}" item-left></ion-icon>
<font color="#088A85"><h6><b> {{p.title}} </b></h6> </font>
and in app.component.ts' pages: Array : string, icon: string, component: any} > activePage: any;
constructor (public platform: Platform, public statusBar: StatusBar, public splashScreen: SplashScreen) { this.initializeApp ();
this.pages = [
{ title: 'Agenda Cultural', icon:'any', component: AgendaculturalPage },
{ title: 'Por região', icon:'any', component: PorregiaoPage },
{ title: 'Blog Vida Carioca', icon:'any', component: BlogvidacariocaPage },
{ title: 'Termos de uso', icon:'any', component: TermosdeusoPage },
{ title: 'Sobre o Vida Carioca', icon:'any', component: SobreovidacariocaPage },
{ title: 'Ajuda', icon:'any', component: AjudaPage },
{ title: 'Configurações', icon:'any', component: ConfiguracoesPage },
{ title: 'Meu Perfil', icon:'any', component: MeuperfilPage },
{ title: 'English Version', icon:'any', component: EnglishversionPage },
{ title: 'Sair', icon:'any', component: SairPage },
{ title: '', icon:'logo-facebook', component: FacebookPage },
{ title: '', icon:'logo-instagram', component: InstagramPage },
this.activePage = this.pages[0];
} '
I believe I'm adding the page along with the other components in component.ts, but I'm not quite sure how to do it, and even if that's it. If someone knows something and can help me, Thanks! :)