How to send multiple strings per url in Android studio?


I have data to send to a web server, the server receives the strings following this pattern:

link {id} / {latitude} / {longitude}

How do I send this data by filling these spaces at once with Android studio?

asked by anonymous 27.06.2018 / 04:03

2 answers



String url = "" + id + "&latitude=" + latitude + "&longitude=" + longitude;

After the server side:

$id = $_GET['id'];
$latitude = $_GET['latitude'];
$longitude = $_GET['longitude'];

This android developer page teaches you to do something similar using volley, but I would do this using POST instead of GET because of security issues, since it is sent by the url may have its data changed, more information page

27.06.2018 / 13:01

I highly recommend using retrofit to consume APIs

interface TesteService{
    Call<Objeto> getObject(@Path("id") String id,
                           @Path("latitude") String latitude,
                           @Path("longitude") String longitude);

public class TesteRetrofit{
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    TesteService tService = retrofit.create(TesteService.class);

    public Objeto pegarObjeto(){
     return tService.getObject("123","20°34'07.2\"S","43°48'44.6\"W").execute().body();

This is a basic example of code, I suggest you read about documentation to learn more.

This code will throw the I/O on UIThread exception if run on the Android main Thread

27.06.2018 / 23:44