Does Azure Data Lake integrate with any data visualizer?


The company wants to discard Power BI on account of the cost of the license, so I went after another data visualizer that allows to embed the dashboards in websites later, I found Apache Superset and Chartio, these are my best options. >

My beginner question is: Can I do this integration? Azure Data Lake seems to me very closed and the maximum I have so far is access to an API done by my boss, only with GET and I would need at least one POST to start doing something, or generate the URI of the SQLAlchemy to integrate with Superset, for example.

All I have is this:


curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''

Request URL

Response Body

[Inside this field there is the customer ID and name]

Anyway, I hope the question has not been confused.

asked by anonymous 27.06.2018 / 17:32

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