Does anyone know how to create .bat
to rename multiple files in multiple folders by inserting creation date and time, not the current date?
Nome Data e hora de Criação
SCP Dados.mdb 03/06/2016 10:26
After renaming is to look like this:
Nome Data e hora de Criação
SCP Dados030616-1026.mdb 03/06/2016 10:26
Deleting any character before and after the created name leaving the extension .mdb
" <-SCP Dados030616-1026->.mdb
I've already done this:
@echo Renomeando arquivo SCP Dados.mdb da BAHIA (BKP Manha)
dir \S1WKSPCRCI\B$\CIBackups\Backup_BA\"SCP Dados.mdb" [AQUI ME MOSTRA A DATA]
set /p dt_arq_ba= Digite a DATA de Criacao do Arquivo da BAHIA: [AQUI INSIRO A DATA]
ren \S1WKSPCRCI\B$\CIBackups\Backup_BA\SCP?Dados.mdb "SCP Dados%dt_arq_ba%.mdb" [AQUI ME DA O ARQUIVO RENOMEADO]
It is working, but only manually renames one by one, wanted to automate with the date the file was created.