SonarQube 7.2 + Xampp " An existing connection was terminated by the remote host"


I'm trying to create the connection between SonarQube 7.2 , using Xampp 3.2.2 to create and manage the database. When running StarSonar.bat it closes alone.

When you start StartSonar.bat , the CMD returns a message with the following snippet:

app[][o.e.t.n.Netty4Transport] exception caught on transport layer [[id: 0x31d20a57, L:/ - R:/]], closing connection
jvm 1    | Foi forçado o cancelamento de uma conexão existente pelo host remoto   " 

Soon after that, it closes alone.

I used the Workbench to get the connection String of the bank.

asked by anonymous 05.07.2018 / 16:55

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