How to isolate an "environment" in Ubuntu?


I have the following problem: I work in a place where we use a very specific image editing program that only works on Ubuntu 14.04 (the program is called Register ).

From time to time, the program stops working partially on some computer, for no apparent reason. I'm thinking that the problem might be computer users, who install other programs that end up changing the version of some dependencies that Register needs (libc6, libstdc ++ 6, imagemagick, perl, libgl1-mesa-glx, and libglu1-desktop ).

To solve this, I was wondering if there is no way to create an isolated environment to install the Register, something like the Python environments. In this environment I would install only the program and the dependencies it needs. However, it would not be a container of Docker, as I had already suggested, because the Register works via terminal, for example: "$ register imagen1 imagem2 imagemsaida" and it would not be very easy to use, since the users of the program has almost no knowledge in linux.

asked by anonymous 03.07.2018 / 00:34

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